
램블란트외 명화감상

Manijoa 2008. 11. 10. 23:48

첫 발자욱
화가명을 클릭한 후 새창에서 그림을 감상 하세요

아래에는 제가 좋아하는 램플란트를 따로 배치했습니다.

Her Eyes are with Her Thoughts 1897


Unconscious Rivals, 1893


The Favorite Poet, 1888


Vain Courtship, 1900


The Year is at the Spring, 1902

Flora: Spring in the Gardens of the Villa Borghese, 1877

Whistler, James

Symphony in White Number 3, 1865-67

Whistler, James

Rose and Silver: The Princess from the Land of Porcelain, 1863-64

Tissot, James

Le Printemps (Spring), 1865

Sargent, John Singer

The Misses Vickers, 1884

Parrish, Maxfield

Ecstasy, 1929

Morisot, Berthe

The Harbor at Lorient,1869

Morisot, Berthe

A Summer's Day,1879

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