Heide Hauge - Are You Still Mine외 2곡 감상
Heide Hauge
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21.06.2007 Country with lovesickness Norwegian Heidi Hauge is again on the top after some few years. Now a new album is released in Denmark. The lyrics are mostly about lovesickness, and she has written some of the songs herself. There is probably no woman or man in Denmark who wouldn´t have experienced lovesickness. This form of unstable mental balance often brings out sorrow, anger and jealousy even from the best person. That it is why a lot of people will recognize themselves in the songs from the Norwegian country artist Heidi Hauges new album "Broken Hearts". It is released in Norway and Denmark on June 22. The album contains of 12 good country songs, some written by well known writers like Tanya Tucker, Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline. But some of the songs are new and written by Heidi Hauge herself with cooperation from the Norwegian composer Henning Hoel Eriksen. It will be allright Heidi Hauge is behind the lyrics to "I'll Fly" and "Saturday Night". Both is very much about lovesickness. - "Saturday Night" does tell about my own experiences and the pain I have experienced. At the same time, "I'll Fly" is more a typical lovestory, says Heidi Hauge, that has herself experienced lovesickness after her divorce. - Generally you can say that the line through the entire album is about lovesickness. I think there is so many good lyrics that are actually sad. I think we need to hear sad songs because it is about feelings that we know from ourselves. That is why there is so many people that likes this music, Heidi Hauge tells. But even if people feel the sorrow as the end of the world, the world goes on. There is hope for the future. This is a message that is very clear from Heidi Hauges vocals. Shes does not appear as a person in sorrow, when she in "Saturday Night" sings: "I guess I'll be allright". Actually the lead caracter in the songs seems like a woman that has moved on. Even if she has had heartbroken and sleepless nights, seen it only in gray, also when the sky is blue, she's now ready to go out on a Saturday night and dance all night long. Thousands of albums And that is true for Heidi Hauge. After a couple of years in the silence, shes now ready for her comeback in to the spotlight. She has during her seven years long career sold more than 100.000 cd's. In entire Scandinavia. In Denmark she got a lot of fans and give concerts there every month. - "I dont know if I have more fans in Denamrk than in Norway. But it wouldn't surprise me if I have, because there is more people living in Denmark," says Heidi Hauge with a smile. Christian childhood And the country music does not know it's limits. Even if you are born in Norway, you can still grow up with this special american style of music around you in your entire childhood. This is exactly what Heidi Hauge did. - "My father himself played country music, so I have loved country for as long time as I can remeber. I have grown up in a christian environment where the lyrics were christian, but the melody inspired by country," says Heidi Hauge. Even if she has listened to country music her entire life, soon for 40 years, she does not have any unique artists to look up to. - "I can love everything that I hear that has a fine melody and a good lyric that means something. But if I should tell some names, it would be Dolly Parton, Tanya Tucker and Loretta Lynn, which I have listened a lot. And I have noticed that Loretta Lynns songs over and over again appears in my own work. There is something in them that is very special," says Heidi Hauge with a smile in her voice. That is also the location on the album "Some Broken Hearts" where Heidi Hauge sings Loretta Lynns "One's On The Way". Also Tanya Tucker is represented with the song "Down To My Last Teardrop". A different country legend is Patsy Cline. Heidi Hauge has probably taken her most famous song, the world hit "Crazy" onto her new album. "- But it's not necessarely because I am a big fan of Patsy Cline. It's just a very good song and melody. And that is the same about all the songs that me and my manager has choosen for the new album, "Heidi Hauge states. English rime and time off from children A good melody is always on the mind of the Norwegian country singer. - It did already as a child. But as I grew up, I did listen more and more to the lyrics. That really means a lot to me today, pointed by Heidi Hauge. Maybe that is why she has started to write her own lyrics. Heidi Hauge has written lyrics for some few years now. But the two lyrics that she has written herself that is on the new album, are the first lyrics ever written in English. - "It is actually easier to write lyrics in English than Norwegian, I think. Maybe it is because it is easier to make the words rime," she says laughing. Heidi Hauge has gotten such a taste for writing her own lyrics, that she will not deny there will come new lyrics from her in the future. - "I somehow got more time to write now since my children have grown up. " Heidi Hauge is a mother for three children. She got a son, age 20, and two daugthers aged 18 and 13 years old. - As the years go by they get more and more independant and does everything themself. That is why I get more free time to do the things I would like to do. Good to be Norwegian If this includes to play the guitar, time will show. Heidi Hauge really wants to pick up this string instrument again, because she was well on her way to learn how to play when she was younger. - "I only know how to make three different grips today so there is a lot to learn," says Heidi Hauge with one of her distinctly outburst of laughter and continues: - "But I would not mind to learn more. So maybe one day she stand there in her cowboy boots on a Danish scene with the guitar in her hands. But in the near future the Danish fans will only see her with the microphone in her hand. " - "I love to give concerts in Denmark. I enjoy myself and have a really good relationship to the audience that has made me feel welcome. Also, Denmark is a nice country to make tours. Norway is a really long country and it soon adds up to horrible many hours on the road in the bus. It's very opposite in Denmark," Heidi Hauge clearly states. - "Yes, it's good to be Norwegian in Denmark. It's actually really funny," says the country star and lights up a blending smile. |