
XP사용자는 Clear Type을 사용하세요...

Manijoa 2008. 6. 4. 06:06

눈이 편안해 집니다.....

With Windows XP, ClearType delivers improved font display quality over traditional forms of font smoothing or anti-aliasing. ClearType improves readability on color LCD displays with a digital interface, such as those in laptops and high-quality flat panel displays. Readability on CRT screens can also be somewhat improved.

Use this online tuner to turn on and tune your Windows XP ClearType settings. If you experience problems download the Windows XP PowerToy version of the tuner. Please note that the online tuner does not currently work with Windows Vista.


한번 적용시켜보세요....

Use the check box below to turn ClearType on or off. Once you have turned
ClearType on, please click "Next" to tune your ClearType settings.


XP유저는 이곳에서 클리어타입을 켜주자 (IE Only)

또한 Vista의 맑은고딕 폰트를 사용해 보세요.