티스토리 뷰

He'll have to go - Jim Reevees
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you
he'll have to go
Whisper to me tell me do
you love me true
Or is he holding you the way I do
Though love is blind make up your mind
I've got to know
Should I hang up
or will you tell him he'll have to go
You can't say the words I want to hear
While you're with another man
Do you want me answer yes or no
Darlin' I will understand
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box
way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you
he'll have to go

아래에는 짐리브스의 노래들을
무엇인지는 모르지만 요즘들어 60년대의
낭만적인 노래들이 더 좋아졌습니다.
아마도, 요즘의 시대가 상실의 시대, 물질적인 시대여서
그런 모양입니다.
가만히 요즘 노래들과 비교해 보아도
가벼운 멜로디, 콧노래를 흥얼거릴 수 있는 여유 등
이루 헤아릴 수 없을만큼 예전노래들의 장점이 많아요.
Manijoa 2006.0930

 I love you because

Distant Drums

I won't forget you

Am I That Easy To Forget

Nita, Juanita

Maria Elena

Welcome to My World

Just Walking in the Rain
